We've been over 17 days and now to the 18th, it's a miracle that I'm able to actually pull through until this far. The fact that I'm too lazy to make a scheduled post, I have to remember myself that I have a blog challenge to do.
So go on to our blog challenge. My favorite beauty guru would be, *drumrolls*
1. Michelle Phan
Well, she has her ways of wearing make-up, although I never really retrace her looks, I just love the way she makes her beauty tutorials, but I love all of her top tips of making the most of your make-up too.
2. Bubzbeauty
Let's just say that her beauty tutorials are more practical than Michelle Phan, though her beauty tutorials are consistently the same, but she made it creative by just adding a little touch to make it much more different. Kudos for her.
3. Pearldaisy
Out of all hijabi youtuber out there, I can say that Amenakin has a very creative way with her hijabs, she even started her own line of hijabs selling them through online stores. She's an inspiration for me, she made wearing hijab as a fun way to express your creativity.
4. Girguin
She's one of the hijabi gurus that I like to watch, as her tutorials are somewhat more practical to how I wear my hijab cuz I like to wear a pin to hold the hijab together under my chin.